Table 1.

The influence of planting season on selected growth parameters for trees planted in January (winter) or March (spring) of 2004 and measured in August of 2004 and 2005.z

    Trunk growth0.31 (±0.034)0.27 (±0.035)
    Branch growth0.43 (±0.063)0.36 (±0.081)
    Shoot growth 200411.5 (±1.12)10.8 (±1.38)
    Shoot growth 200528.6 (±3.19)28.3 (±2.92)
London Plane
    Trunk growth0.41 (±0.22)0.24 (±0.019)
    Branch growth0.25 (±0.035)0.31 (±0.038)
    Shoot growth 200435.3 (±3.27)47.3 (±4.15)y
    Shoot growth 200540.3 (±2.32)44.1 (±3.17)
Autumn Blaze®
    Trunk growth0.24 (±0.017)0.31 (±0.014)y
    Branch growth0.32 (±0.068)0.35 (±0.041)
    Shoot growth 200425.4 (±3.08)44.4 (±5.08)y
    Shoot growth 200544.7 (±3.46)53.9 (±3.22)y
  • zAll data presented in centimeters (± standard error).

  • ySignificant difference (P < 0.05) between winter and spring means.