Table 3.

Comparison of street trees common lime, common ash, and horsechestnut age classes known and calculated age with multifactorial nonlinear regression model.

Common limeCommon ashHorsechestnut
Age class numberActual agez (years)Calcult. agey (years)Age class numberActual age (years)Calcult. age (years)Age class numberActual age (years)Calcult. age (years)
  1  7  7.2110  8.011617.8
Mean bias (%)  3.9Mean bias (%)1.8Mean bias (%)9.5
  • zThe actual age of trees taken from historical records or/and tree rings number (Pressler borer).

  • yAge calculated with developed multifactorial regression model applied on trees’ dbh and height of each species taken from the control group.

  • dbh = diameter at breast height.