Table 2.

Effects of soil surfaces on tree growth and soil water potential. Growth of Cercis canadensis var. texensis and Taxodium distichum were compared in simulated 1.1 m × 1.8 m (3.5 ft × 6 ft) planting pits with bare soil to surfaces covered with paving bricks of three colors (pale blond tan, red-brown or dark charcoal) on a 5.1 cm (2 in) base of builder’s sand.

Cercis canadensis var. texensisTaxodium distichum
Soil treatmentHeightz (cm)Trunk Diameterz (mm)Portion of the canopy with stress symptomsy (%)Soil water potentialx (kPa)Predawn xylem water potentialy (MPa)Heightz (cm)Trunk diameterz (mm)Root densityz (mg≅cm−3)
Bare soil235 awv24.8 awv28 cwu−6.4 awt−0.26 cwu291 awv70.0 awv1.11 awv
Pale blond tan bricks215 bc21.3 b44 ab−5.5 bc−0.83 a269 a71.0 a0.76 ab
Red-brown bricks200 c21.6 b56 a−4.9 c−0.48 b289 a71.3 a0.68 ab
Dark charcoal bricks219 b24.3 a42 b−5.8 ab−0.55 ab297 a68.8 a0.56 b
  • zShoot and root growth measures are values from the end of the study.

  • yCanopy stress symptoms and predawn xylem water potentials are means of five sample dates during growing season.

  • xSoil water potentials are means of 14 sample dates during growing season.

  • wMeans followed by the same letters within a column are not different at P < 0.05 level using least squares means procedure.

  • vValues represent mean of 5 observations.

  • uValues represent mean of 25 observations.

  • tValues represent mean of 70 observations.