Table 3.

Percent increase in height of test species during the 4 years of the project.z

SpeciesPercent increase in height
T. canadensis165.2 ± 10.0162.0 ± 13.3
T. caroliniana    2.8 ± 38.5  41.7 ± 9.7
T. heterophylla120.3 ± 31.2254.8 ± 90.8*
T. mertensiana−18.4 ± 6.5  16.7 ± 73.9*
T. chinensis162.6 ± 16.1174.3 ± 18.9*
T. diversifolia  57.4 ± 57.1176.2 ± 76.5
T. sieboldii136.3 ± 55.3  25.0 ± 18.4*
  • zNote the species × fertilizer interaction. Values are means ± SE of treatment mean.

  • yAsterisk (*) indicates significant difference between fertilizer treatments for individual species at P = 0.05.