Table 7.

Percentage of total plant dry weight in leaves, roots and stems, the leaf area-to-fine root dry weight sand leaf area ratios of seedlings from three Quercus species.

SpeciesTotal plant dry weight (%)Leaf area to fine root dry weight (cm2 g−1)Leaf area ratio (cm2 g)
leavesstemsRoot typez
Q. cerris20.6Ay22.5A15.6C41.3B56.9B213.2A33.3B
Q. pubescens51.5B38.6B  3.6B  6.3A  9.9A188.2A  6.8A
Q. robur49.5B44.7C  2.4A  8.4A  5.8A309.8B  7.6A
  • Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different from each other at the α = 0.05 level using the Student-Neuman-Kuels test. Each value is the mean of 72 plants.

  • zFine roots were < 2 mm in diameter; coarse roots were ≥ 2 mm diameter.