Table 3.

Water use of three Quercus species over three days under greenhouse conditions.

SpeciesHeight (cm)seedling-1Average daily water use (g day −1)
leaf area (cm-2)Height-adjusted (cm-1)z
Q. cerris45.3Ay47.5A0.091A1.4B
Q. pubescens46.0A44.9A0.111B1.3A
Q. robur70.5B73.4B0.084A1.3A
  • zHeight-adjusted water use was calculated by dividing the average daily water use by seedling height.

  • yMeans within a column followed by different letters are significantly different from each other at the α = 0.05 level using the Student-Neuman-Kuels test. Each value is the mean of 72 plants.