Table 5.

Pearson’s correlation coefficient between trunk bending moment or trunk bending stress and root cross sectional areaz (CSA) for four planting treatments three growing seasons after planting.

Planting treatmentyDegrees of trunk tilt 15 cm from ground
5 degrees10 degrees15 degrees
Pearson’s correlation coefficient
57 L containerv  0.58  0.120.67  0.340.66  0.42
57 L container/ not slicedv  0.30−0.490.39−0.260.45−0.03
170 L container/ slicedv−0.07−0.400.00−0.320.13−0.16
Field-grownv  0.85*  0.510.93**  0.670.93*  0.64
All planting treatmentsu  0.93**  0.68**0.93**  0.64**0.93**  0.53**
  • zCSA of roots >3 mm diameter growing into landscape soil from the top 25 cm of root ball measured 5 cm beyond edge of original root ball.

  • y57 L container = 29 mm caliper trees from 57 L container; 170 L container/not sliced = 67 mm caliper trees from 170 L container with no root ball slicing at planting; 170 L container/sliced = 67 mm caliper trees from 170 L container with root ball sliced top to bottom in six places at planting; field grown = 80 mm caliper trees dug from field soil, all planted March 2005.

  • xMoment (trunk bending moment) = pulling force × distance from pulling point to point of inclinometer 15 cm from ground.

  • wStress (trunk bending stress) = (pulling force × distance from pulling point to inclinometer × trunk radius) ÷ (0.25π × trunk radius4).

  • vBased on seven trees per planting treatment.

  • uBased on all 28 trees across planting treatment.

  • **Significantly different from zero at P < 0.01;

  • *Significantly different from zero at P < 0.05.