Table 4.

Root (>3 mm diameter) attributes correlated with trunk bending stressz during tree pulling tests on 28 trees from four planting treatments combined.

Trunk bending stress when trunk pulled to
10 degrees from verticalMaximumy trunk bending stress
Root attributesPearson’s correlation coefficientx
Root CSA (windward 1/2)w0.680.31
Total root CSA0.640.31
Root CSA (0–13 cm soil depth)0.610.31
Root CSA (windward 1/2, 0–13 cm soil depth)w0.600.31
Root CSA (14–25 cm soil depth)0.59NS  
Diameter of largest root (windward 1/6)v0.590.32
Root CSA (windward 1/6)v0.580.31
Root CSA (windward 1/2, 14–25 cm soil depth)w0.58NS  
Total root diameter0.570.48
Diameter of largest root (windward 1/6, 0–13 cm soil depth)v0.570.43
Mean root diameter (windward 1/2)wNS  0.53
Number of roots (windward 1/2)w0.51NS  
Largest root diameter (windward 1/6, 14–25 cm soil depth)v0.46NS  
Largest root diameter (leeward 1/6, 14–25 cm soil depth)uNS  0.46
Total root CSA area (leeward 1/6, 14–25 cm soil depth)uNS  0.45
Total number of roots0.45NS  
Number of roots (windward 1/6)v0.45NS  
Root number (windward 1/2)w0.45NS  
Root CSA (windward 1/6)v0.450.31
Number of roots (14–25 cm soil depth)0.44NS  
Number of roots (0–13 cm soil depth)0.39NS  
Number of roots (leeward 1/2)t0.36NS  
Root diameter (windward 1/6)v0.330.53
  • zTrunk bending stress = (pulling force × length × trunk radius) ÷ (0.25π × trunk radius4).

  • yMaximum trunk bending stress encountered as trees were pulled to 25 degrees trunk tilt in five degree increments.

  • xSignificantly correlated at P < 0.01; NS indicates not significant at P < 0.01.

  • wRoots in the 180 degree section opposite pulling winch.

  • vRoots in the 60 degree section opposite pulling winch.

  • uRoots in the 60 degree section toward pulling winch.

  • tRoots in the 180 degree section toward pulling winch.