Table 3.

Number of trunks that visibly cracked and trunk bending moment during pulling tests of four planting treatments, three growing seasons after landscape installation.

Planting treatmentzNo. of trunks cracked during pulling testBending moment to 10 degrees trunk tilt (kNm)
57 L container2ybx  2.3c
170 L container/ not sliced0b    5.5b
170 L container/ sliced0b    5.6b
Field grown5wa  12.4a
  • z57 L container = 29 mm caliper trees from 57 L container; 170 L container/not sliced = 67 mm caliper trees from 170 L container with no root ball slicing at planting; 170 L container/sliced = 67 mm caliper trees from 170 L container with root ball sliced top to bottom in six places at planting; field grown = 80 mm caliper trees dug from field soil, all planted March 2005.

  • yTrunks cracked as trees were pulled to 15 or 20 degrees.

  • xSeven trees per treatment; means in a column followed by a different letter are statistically different at P < 0.05.

  • wThree trunks cracked while attempting to pull trunk base to 15 degrees; two cracked while attempting to pull to 20 degrees.