Table 4.

The effect of the interaction between profile design and organic matter type on foliar P concentration of C. maculata.

Profile designFoliar P concentration (mg g−1)z
CoirComposted biosolidsComposted green waste
Layered profiley2.8 (0.1)c3.1(0.2)c2.8 (0.3)c
Uniform profile2.8 (0.2)c5.6 (0.5)a4.4 (0.4)b
  • z Trees planted in August 2000; the experiment concluded in January 2001. Means are from 6 replications, standard error in parentheses.

  • y Means in the table followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05), LSD = 0.4.

  • Mean foliage P in unamended sand = 2.8 mg g−1.