Table 2.

Journals referenced in the pruning bibliography.

JournalOriginNo. of Citations
Agroforestry SystemsNetherlands1
Allgemeine ForstzeitschriftGermany1
American Journal of BotanyUnited States1
Annals of Applied BiologyUnited Kingdom3
Annals of BotanyUnited Kingdom1
Annual Review of PhytopathologyUnited States1
Arboricultural JournalUnited Kingdom9
Arboriculture & Urban ForestryUnited States12
Biological ConservationUnited Kingdom1
Biotechnology Agronomy Society & EnvironmentBelgium1
Canadian Journal of BotanyCanada1
Canadian Journal of Forest ResearchCanada7
European Journal of Forest PathologyNetherlands1
European Journal of Forest ResearchGermany1
Forest Ecology and ManagementUnited States5
Forest PathologyUnited States1
Forest ScienceUnited States1
ForestryUnited Kingdom1
Forst und HolzGermany1
Forstwissenschaftliches CentralblattGermany3
Holz als Roh- und WerkstoffGermany1
HortScienceUnited States3
International Association Wood Anatomy BulletinUnited States1
Journal of American Society Horticultural ScienceUnited States2
Journal Applied EcologyUnited Kingdom1
Journal of ArboricultureUnited States51
Journal of ForestryUnited States5
Journal of Wood ScienceUnited States1
Neue LandschaftGermany1
New ForestsUnited Kingdom1
New PhytologistUnited Kingdom1
New Zealand Tree GrowerNew Zealand1
PhytopathologyUnited States1
Proc. American Society of Horticultural ScienceUnited States1
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur ForstweseGermany1
Silva FennicaFinland2
Tree PhysiologyUnited Kingdom1
Trees - Structure & FunctionGermany4
Urban Forestry & Urban GreeningDenmark5
Western Journal Applied ForestryUnited States1