Table 1.

Best fit polynomial regression pressure-displacement curves for a sand compacted to different densities at low (<1%), medium (6%), and high (12%) gravimetric moisture content.

Sand density Mg m−3Gravimetric moistureEquation
y =displacement volume (cm3)
x = input pressure (kPa)
R2Model p value
1.510.10%y = −0.0000047x3 + 0.002191x2 + 0.14722x − 0.07760.86<0.001
1.710.08%y = 0.0000005x3 − 0.000279x2 + 0.09127x + 0.03860.91<0.001
1.640.10%y = 0.0000003x3 + 0.00009x2 + 0.02973x + 0.63840.97<0.001
1.636.00%y = −0.0000001x3 + 0.000271x2 + 0.01662x + 0.9160.76<0.001
1.6712.00%y = 0.0000008x3 − 0.000312x2 + 0.06401x − 0.39490.92<0.001