Table 4.

Proportion HWA mortality from 2012 to 2014, where we observed statistical differences in HWA mortality in the imidacloprid-treated trees (AHA, ECO, and DRE) compared to the untreated trees (UTC) in 2012. We did not observe any significance in the two subsequent years, where HWA mortality remained high across treatments. The high percent HWA mortality in the UTC is likely related to the diminished growth in those trees (i.e., reduced tip growth and twig length). AHA = air hydraulic, ECO = Ecoject, DRE = soil drench, UTC = untreated controls. Data are back-transformed following arcsine square-root transformation of the proportions.

TRTN2012 Mean2013 Mean2014 Mean
AHA101.00 A0.93 A1.00 A
ECO90.97 A0.84 A0.90 A
DRE100.96 A0.87 A1.00 A
UTC90.71 B0.91 A0.94 A
  • Means that do not share a letter are significantly different, Fisher’s protected LSD, P = 0.05.