Municipal tree inventories in Ithaca, NY, USA, from 1902 to 2019.
1902 | 1928–1947 | 1987 | 1996 | 2006 | 2013 | 2019 | |
Data level | Summary only | Individual records | Summary only | Individual records | Individual records | Individual records | Individual records |
Inventory personnel | Unknown | City forester | Students | Students | Certified arborists | Certified arborists | Certified arborists |
Number of trees | 5621 | 5195 | 5303 | 9859 | 11,028 | 10,695 | 10,895 |
Street and/or park | Street trees only | Street trees only | Street trees only | Street and park trees | Street and park trees | Street and park trees | Street and park trees |
Species and/or genus | Species and genus | Genus only | Species and genus | Species and genus | Species and genus | Species and genus | Species and genus |
Trunk diameter (DBH) | No DBH | Individual DBH | DBH profiles | Individual DBH | Individual DBH | Individual DBH | Individual DBH |
Tree locations | Unknown | Drawn on maps | Unknown | Street address and GPS points | Street address and GPS points | Street address and GPS points | Street address and GPS points |