Table 1.

Municipal tree inventories in Ithaca, NY, USA, from 1902 to 2019.

Data levelSummary onlyIndividual recordsSummary onlyIndividual recordsIndividual recordsIndividual recordsIndividual records
Inventory personnelUnknownCity foresterStudentsStudentsCertified arboristsCertified arboristsCertified arborists
Number of trees562151955303985911,02810,69510,895
Street and/or parkStreet trees onlyStreet trees onlyStreet trees onlyStreet and park treesStreet and park treesStreet and park treesStreet and park trees
Species and/or genusSpecies and genusGenus onlySpecies and genusSpecies and genusSpecies and genusSpecies and genusSpecies and genus
Trunk diameter (DBH)No DBHIndividual DBHDBH profilesIndividual DBHIndividual DBHIndividual DBHIndividual DBH
Tree locationsUnknownDrawn on mapsUnknownStreet address and GPS pointsStreet address and GPS pointsStreet address and GPS pointsStreet address and GPS points