Table 5.

Mean stem dry weight for four cultivare of Freeman and red maple trees harvested in 2004; values shown for soil treatments and pre-plant nitrogen rates.

CultivarzStem dry weight (g)
Soil treatmenty
‘Celzam’5625 a (a)3642 a (ab)2407 a (b)
‘Morgan’5150 a (a)2500 b (b)2367 a (b)
‘Fairview Flame’3068 b (a)1567 c (b)2200 a (ab)
‘Frank’s Red’2108 b (a)1400 c (b)1238 b (b)
Stem dry weight (g)
Pre-plant N ratex
‘Celzam’4972 a (a)2770 a (a)
‘Morgan’4228 a (a)2450 ab (a)
‘Fairview Flame’2667 b (a)1920 bc (a)
‘Frank’s Red’1580 b (b)1750 c (a)
  • zAcer × freemanii ‘Celzam’ (Celebration Freeman maple, [n = 19]), Acer × freemanii ‘Morgan’ (‘Morgan’ Freeman maple, [n = 18]), Acer rubrum ‘Fairview Flame’ (Fairview Flame red maple, [n = 19]), and Acer rubrum, ‘Frank’s Red’ (Red Sunset red maple, [n = 16]), at the P ≤ 0.05 (Tukey’s honestly significant difference HSD).

  • yMeans followed by different letters indicate a significant difference between cultivars within each soil treatment (NC = non-compacted, C1 = compacted once, C2 = twice-compacted).

  • xMeans followed by different letters indicate a significant difference between cultivars within each pre-plant N treatments. Standard rate [H: 100 mg·L−1 or Low rate L: 25 mg·−1] . Means followed by different letters within parentheses indicate a significant difference between the soil treatments or the pre-plant N treatments for each cultivar.