Table 2.

Least squares means (standard error) for breaking load (PMAX in kN) and specific strength [kN/(kg/100 m)] classified by knot and rope.

EffectLevelnPMAXzSpecific strengthz
RopeArborPlex2021.58 (0.49)a2.13 (0.04)a
Double Esterlon2738.16 (0.43)f3.16 (0.04)c
Industrial Poly DB1231.06 (0.64)d2.98 (0.05)bc
Safety Pro-121725.64 (0.49)b2.29 (0.04)a
Stable Braid2235.49 (0.55)e2.90 (0.05)b
True-Blue2027.89 (0.48)c2.12 (0.04)a
XTC-122022.87 (0.49)a2.29 (0.04)a
HitchClove hitch3728.85 (0.38)a2.55 (0.03)ab
Cow hitch3428.98 (0.39)a2.55 (0.03)ab
Running bowline3529.72 (0.39)a2.62 (0.03)a
Timber hitch3228.27 (0.40)a2.49 (0.03)b
  • zRead down a column within each effect, least squares means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05) by Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference test.