Table 3.

Nitrogen and potassium deficiency severity ratings for Experiment 2 areca palms transplanted from a field nursery with fertilizer applied at three locations and at three rates.

Nitrogen deficiency ratingzPotassium deficiency rating
Significant effectsFertilizer placementRateThree monthsSix monthsTwelve monthsThree monthsSix monthsTwelve months
Backfill incorporation4.664.704.633.943.94 aby3.96 b
Bottom of hole4.644.714.653.924.06 a4.14 a
Surface application4.684.714.653.783.85 b3.99 b
Placement (P-value)NSxNSNSNS0.0250.025
04.60 b4.63 b4.60 b3.73.67 b3.63 b
2504.65 ab4.70 a4.62 ab3.93.98 a4.05 a
5004.67 a4.70 a4.67 a3.83.93 a4.04 a
Rate (P-value)0.0470.0140.034NS0.0110.0002
Overall effects (P-values)
Placement × rateNSNSNSNSNSNS
  • zRatings are on a 1 to 5 scale; 1 = severely deficient, 5 = no deficiency symptoms present.

  • yMean separation within columns and fertilizer placement and rate groupings by the Waller-Duncan k-ratio method, P = 0.05.

  • xNon-significant.