Table 1.

Tree and site characteristics at Ravnsnæsvej road (RV) and Kongevejen road (KV).

Tree/site characteristicRVKV
SpeciesAcer plataniodesQuercus robur
Year of planting19911984
Height (m)6.73.5–7.5
Diameter at breast height (cm)7.96–15.5
Health status (visual inspection)Healthy, few chlorosesMany necroses and chloroses
Width of median strip (m)63.8
Planting distance from roadside (m)On a line, 1.9 m from one sideIn the middle, 1.9 m from both sides
Number of trees3 × 3 trees4 trees
Distance between trees (m)10 m between trees in the groups; 25 m between groups10 m between trees
Width of carriageway (m)2 × 52 × 7
Lanes on the carriageway1 in each direction2 in each direction
Traffic load (cars per day)24,6007,000
Applied deicer, mean of 1997–1998 and 1998–1999 (kg/m2)1.11.1