Table 5.

Topping status associated with the occurrence of cavities in excess of 30% bole diameter for most commonly occurring tree species in 4 southern Illinois communities. Percentage difference reflects the increased likelihood of bole cavity occurrence associated with topping. A † indicates a value significantly less than the mean species.

SpeciesTopped trees with cavities (%)Nontopped trees with cavities (%)Percentage difference
Acer rubrum643583
A. saccharum603762†
A. saccharinum623294
A. negundo5721171
Fraxinus spp.4213223
Gleditsia triacanthos4217147
Juglans nigra445780
Juniperus virginiana01−100
Liquidambar styraciflua1036−72
Malus spp.010−100
Pinus strobus01−100
Prunus serotina816−50
Quercus palustris221916
Q. imbricaria392650†
Ulmus americana3114121