Table 2.

Open response themes and key phrases.

Theme: Tree Benefits (92 responses)
Subtheme: Environmental Benefits

    Downtown wildlife habitat

    Reduce heat radiation

    Air purification

    Shield people from the rain

    Buffer noise

    Buffer auto pollution

Subtheme: Amenity Value

    Are beauty of the town

    Are aesthetically pleasing

    Shade the sidewalks

    Provide us with pleasure for years to come

    Soften the look of the storefronts

    Make the city a better place to live and visit

    Add color to the store-fronts

    Make being downtown pleasant

Subtheme: CBD Character

    Make downtown more inviting

    Important part of the downtown atmosphere

    Create pedestrian pockets for people

    Make area less stark

    Are good for keeping me downtown

    Make Athens the place that it is

    Distinction and personality

    Without trees would be a cement garden

Theme: Tree Quantity (66 responses)

    Plant more in the district

    More trees are ALWAYS a good idea

    Plant as many as you can—quick!

    There couldn’t be too many

    More dogwoods

    More trees and greenery—more social activities

Theme: Removal and Preservation (49 responses)

    Replacement—I was upset

    Don’t uproot healthy trees and replace with smaller ones

    Destruction of trees detrimental to downtown

    Travesty to remove any of the large shade trees

Theme: Design and Detailing (47 responses)

    Do not like the new brick/gravel sidewalks

    Red brick is nice

    Important to have sidewalk planters

    Consult “New Urbanism” and sustainable community design

    Prefer bigger, fuller trees—not the little ones

Theme: Miscellaneous and Non-Trees (31 responses)

    Dissatisfaction with constant construction

    Parking issues should be addressed

    Morning trash around bars