Table 3.

Comparison of regression line slopes and confidence intervals for five tree species in established north-central Florida parking lots.

Slope of regression line ± 95% confidence interval Relationship in regression analysis

      Dependent variable

      Independent variable

Canopy radius dbhTree height dbhCanopy radius Pavement opening
Platanus occidentalis0.130 ± 0.0100.306 ± 0.04827.2 ± 9.9*
Ulmus parvifolia0.135 ± 0.0100.183 ± 0.0170.166 ± 0.056
Quercus shumardii0.099 ± 0.0230.173 ± 0.0670.085 ± 0.036
Quercus laurifolia0.111 ± 0.0170.180 ± 0.0470.166 ± 0.260**
Quercus virginiana0.096 ± 0.0080.107 ± 0.0150.003 ± 0.043***
  • * The regression relationship is based on a log transformation.

  • ** Variability in data and limited replication produce a confidence interval that includes a zero or negative slope.

  • *** No relationship is reported between radius and opening for Q. virginiana due to a zero slope and high variability despite over 200 observations.