Table 3.

Cornus cultivars that showed different levels of susceptibility to spot anthracnose and Septoria leaf spot under field conditions 2001–2002.

Cornus speciesCultivarMean disease severityz
Spot anthracnoseSeptoria leaf spot
C. sericeaCardinal0.0 oy0.0 o4.8 a5.0 a
C. sericeaIsante0.0 o0.0 o4.9 a4.6 a
C. kousaLustgarten Weeping1.5 fghij3.7 b0.0 o0.0 o
C. kousaSatomi2.8 b2.5 c0.0 o0.0 o
C. masGolden Glory2.8 bc2.2 cd0.0 o0.0 o
C. kousaWolf Eyes2.8 b2.3 c0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaCherokee Sunset2.5 bcd2.3 c0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaLittle Princess2.3 bcde1.3 def0.0 o0.0 o
C. kousaDwarf Pink1.0 hijklm3.3 b0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaCherokee Chief1.4 fghijk2.0 cd0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaRainbow2.6 bc1.3 def0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaPink Beauty2.0 bcde1.3 def0.0 o0.0 o
C. kousaSpring Grove1.8 defgh2.0 cd0.0 o0.0 o
C. masRedstone1.4 fghijk2.2 cd0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaCherokee Brave1.3ghijkl1.3 def0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaRubra1.9 cdefg0.7 efg0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaPurple Glory1.8 defgh1.0 efg0.0 o0.0 o
C. kousaEmerald Star1.0 hijklm1.1 def0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaSterling Silver1.6 efghi0.3 gh0.0 o0.0 o
C. floridaRed Beauty1.4 fghijk0.3 gh0.0 o0.0 o
C. kousaAgate0.0 o1.5 cde0.0 o0.0 o
C. kousaChina Girl0.4 mno1.3 def0.0 o0.0 o
  • z Disease severity readings 1 = 1% to 10%, 2 = 11% to 25%, 3 = 26% to 50%, 4 = 51% to 75%, and 5 = 76% to 100% plant infection with spot anthracnose (Elsinoe corni) and Septoria leaf spot (Septoria cornicola).

  • y Numbers followed by same letters in the same year are statistically similar at P = 0.05 according to t-tests between pairs of means calculated by Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS). Similar data were obtained in 1999–2000; data were not taken in 1998.