Table 2.

Cornus cultivars susceptible to powdery mildew under field conditions 1998–2002.

Cornus speciesCultivarMean powdery mildew severityzMean
C. floridaLittle Princess1.0 hiy0.4 ij2.5 ghi3.3 ab3.0 def2.0
C. kousaBush Pink2.0 fgh0.4 ij2.9 efgh2.6 cde____2.0
C. floridaWorld’s Fair2.0 fgh0.5 hij2.6 fgh2.5 cde2.7 efg2.1
C. nutalliBoyd____1.0 fghi3.0 i2.1 ef2.5 fg2.2
C. kousaSpring Grove1.7 fghi0.5 hij2.3 hi2.5 cde4.3 ab2.3
C. floridaPink Beauty2.0 ef2.52.5 cde3.0 bc2.5 efg2.5
C. floridaPygmy1.7 gh2.43.5 bcde2.6 bcd2.3 fg2.5
C. floridaSterling silver____2.31.8 i3.3 ab2.8 ef2.6
C. floridaPlena1.0 hi2.23.0 defgh3.0 bc4.0 ab2.6
C. floridaRed Beauty3.3 bcd2.73.5 bcde2.3 cde2.3 fg2.8
C. floridaCherokee3.0 bcd2.5____________2.8
C. floridaBarton2.3 def2.3 bcd2.4 hi2.0 ef5.0 a2.8
C. floridaCherokee Chief3.3 bc2.73.6 bcd1.4 gh3.8 abc3.0
C. floridaCherokee Princess3.0 bcd3.03.4 bcde3.1 bc2.7 efg3.0
C. floridaWonderberry3.0 bcd3.13.0 defh________3.0
C. floridaCloud 92.7 def3.03.5 bcde2.1 efg4.5 a3.2
C. floridaRainbow3.0 bcd2.83.8 bcd2.0 efg4.3 ab3.2
C. floridaRubra3.7 bc3.32.9 abc2.9 bcd3.2 cde3.2
C. floridaCherokee Sunset5.0 a2.5 bcd3.3 cdef2.5 cde4.0 ab3.5
C. floridaOzark Spring2.3 ef3.2 ab4.6 a3.5 ab3.5 bcd3.4
C. floridaPurple Glory4.0 ab3.6 a4.0 abc4.0 a5.0 a4.1
  • z Disease severity readings 1 = 1% to 10%, 2 = 11% to 25%, 3 = 26% to 50%, 4 = 51% to 75%, and 5 = 76% to 100% plant infection.

  • y Statistical differences between cultivars are presented across Tables 12. Numbers followed by same letters in the same column are statistically similar at P = 0.05 according to least significant differences calculated by Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS).