Table 1.

Cornus cultivars resistant to powdery mildew under field conditions 1998–2001.

Cornus speciesCultivarMean powdery mildew severityzMean
C. kousaAgate0 iy0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaAutumn Rose0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaBig Apple0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaBlue Shadow0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaChina Girl0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousavar. chinensis0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaDwarf Pink0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaEmerald Star0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaGold Star0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaLustgarten Weeping0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaMoonbeam0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaSatomi0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaSquare Dance0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaWolf Eyes0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. sericeaCardinal0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. sericeaIsante0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. masRedstone0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. masGolden Glory0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. alternifoliaPagoda0 i0 j0 j0 l0.0 h0
C. kousaTrinity Star0 i0 i________0.0 h0
C. kousaJapanese Cornel0 i0 i________0.0 h0
C. kousaMilky Way0.7 hi0.5 hij0 j0 l0.2 h0.
C. kousaSnow Flake0.3 i0.6 hij0 j0 l0.0 h0.2
C. kousa × C. floridaStellar Pink0.0 i0.3 i0.1 j0.3 kl0.5 h0.2
C. kousa × C. floridaCelestial0.7 hi0.5 hij0.1 j0.3 kl0.3 h0.4
C. kousa × C. floridaConstellation1.0 hi0.5 hij0.5 j0.5 jkl0.5 h0.6
C. kousa × C. floridaAurora1.0 hi1.0 fghij0.5 j0.8 jkl____0.8
C. floridaFragrant Cloud1.0 hi0.4 ij2.5 ghi1.5 fgh3.0 def1.4
C. kousa × C. floridaRuth Ellen1.0 hi1.0 fghi2.4 i2.5 cde0.5 h1.7
C. floridaCherokee Brave2.3 ef0.5 hij2.1 ef2.9 cd1.8 g1.9
  • z Disease severity readings 1 = 1% to 10%, 2 = 11% to 25%, 3 = 26% to 50%, 4 = 51% to 75%, and 5 = 76% to 100% plant infection.

  • y Statistical differences between cultivars are presented across Tables 12. Numbers followed by same letters in the same column are statistically similar at P = 0.05 according to t-tests between pairs of means calculated by Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS).