Table 2.

Soil moisture tension (cb) before and after fill treatments at two depths below fill [15 and 45 cm (6 and 18 in.)]. Measurements were taken for 11 days before fill installation (pre), 14 days after fill (post 1, weeks 1 and 2), and another 14 days after fill (post 2, weeks 1 and 2). Tensiometers were placed next to ODR electrodes.

Depth (cm)TreatmentPreSoil moisture tension (cb)
Post 1Post 2
Week 1Week 2Week 1Week 2
15No fill10.89.6 az15.5 a16.4 a56.0 a
15Fill10.78.4 a12.5 a3.9 b14.5 b
15Fill plus aeration8.91.4 b2.6 b2.3 b21.7 b
45No fill9.910.5 b12.915.940.3
45Fill9.632.4 a30.112.329.6
45Fill plus aeration12.612.2 b13.014.922.8
  • zMeans with no letter(s) in common are significantly different on Fisher’s protected LSD test (* = 0.05, ** = 0.01). Means without letters are not significantly different (ns).