Table 4.

Survival and shoot-growth index of three shrub species grown in amended soil along an urban highway roadside for three years. Survival, at the end of each growing season, and shoot growth, in years two and three, are averaged over all soil amendment treatments.

SpeciesYearSurvival (%)Shoot-growth indexz (cm)
Fragrant sumac200799 ay--
200879 b67 b
200978 b78 a
Coralberry200789 a--
200884 a109 b
200979 a139 a
Oregon grape200799 a--
200899 a26 b
200997 a32 a
  • z Shoot-Growth Index = [(widest width + narrowest width)/2 + height]/2.

  • y Means within a species followed by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) by Tukey-Kramer adjusted LSD; n = 135 for fragrant sumac, 120 for coralberry, and 105 for Oregon grape.