Table 2.

Soil bulk density, total carbon, and total N measured beneath the mulch layer (0 to 15 cm soil depth) in March 2008, one year following treatment application.

Control and surface applied treatmentsIncorporated treatments
MeanANOVA P-valueMeanANOVA P-value
Bulk densityz (Mg m−3)2.230.85y0.930.69x
Total Cw (g kg−1)0.400.375.100.61
Total Nw (g kg−1)
  • z Samples per plot (four replicate plots) for bulk density (n = 3).

  • y Control and surface applications were analyzed separately because distribution was bimodal.

  • x Incorporated treatments were analyzed separately because data distribution was bimodal.

  • w n = one composite sample per plot (four replicate plots) for C and N.