Table 4.

Effect of field nursery root pruning season on tree height, number of roots at edge of root ball, and anchorage rating at harvest from field nursery.

Field nursery root pruning seasonzTree height 2008 (m)Total no. roots edge of dug root ballyAnchorage ratingx
Dormant3.2 aw228 a3.5 b
Growing3.1 b180 b3.8 a
  • z Dormant season = Feb., Apr., Oct., and Dec. 2008, and Feb. and Apr. 2009; growing season = Apr., Jun., Aug., and Oct. 2008, and Apr. and Jun. 2009. Field production concluded November 2009 when roots and anchorage were measured.

  • y Roots > 5 mm diameter measured at the edge of the 0.9 m wide tree-spade-dug root ball.

  • x Anchorage rating the day after digging field nursery trees with a tree spade; 1 = loose, 5 = firm; trunk was rocked back and forth at its natural frequency.

  • w Means in a column with a different letter are statistically different at P < 0.05; n = 30, averaged across liner container size and root ball slicing when shifting and planting containers due to insignificant interaction (P > 0.37).