Table 6.

Effect of retention time in three container sizes on deflected position of the five largest roots of elm, maple, and magnolia in 170 L containers.

Retention time (months) in containers% roots deflected down or around by 11 L containerz% roots deflected down or around by 57 L containerz% roots deflected down or around by 170 L containerz
11 L57 L170 L
482056 byAx44 aA0 B
7101564 bA32 bB4 B
9121176 aA24 cB0 B
1214684 aA16 dB0 B
482080 aA20 bB0 C
7101568 bA32 aB0 B
9121176 abA24 bB0 B
1214680 aA20 bB0 B
482072 bA28 aB0 C
7101580 abA20 bB0 B
9121176 bA24 abB0 C
1214688 aA12 cB0 B
  • z Percent of the five largest roots measured one cm inside indicated container size that deflected down or around at the 11, 57, or 170 L container size.

  • y Means in a column within species with a different lower case letter are statistically different at P < 0.05; n = 5.

  • x Means in a row within species with a different upper case letter are statistically different at P < 0.05; n = 5 using one way ANOVA for each retention time independently.