Table 3.

Effect of retention time in three container sizes on elm, maple, and magnolia root number in 170 L containers.

No. of roots >5 mm diameter
Retention time (months) in containers:% trunk circled with rootsz% cully treesAt position of 11 L containerxAt position of 57 L containerxAt position of 170 L containerxStraight roots at 57 L container edgewStraight roots at 170 L container edgew
11 L57 L170 L
48208.8 cv014.417.8 a0.6 ab6.6 a0.6
7101516.8 ab2016.815.4 a1.2 a6.2 a0.8
9121114.6 b015.87.8 b0.2 b4.0 ab0.8
1214621.6 a015.86.6 b0 b3.2 b0
48208.7 b2012.6 b16.6 b1.8 ab5.41.4
710150 c020.8 a27.0 a6.6 a7.02.0
9121112.1 ab2017.8 a24.0 a0.4 b4.60.6
1214616.7 a2020.6 a18.2 b0 b6.60.6
48200011.0 bc26.613.6 a9.43.2 ab
710154.409.8 c20.611.0 a10.44.4 a
912110014.2 ab24.66.6 b8.21.8 bc
121460016.2 a20.83.6 c7.60.8 c
  • z Percent of circumference with root bark touching trunk bark.

  • y Percent of trees rated as cull based on root circling according to Florida Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants (Anonymous 2015).

  • x Number of roots >5 mm diameter one cm inside 11 L container position, between the 11 and 57 L position, and between the 57 and 170 L container position, respectively.

  • w Number of roots >5 mm diameter that grew to the position of the 57 or 170 L container without turning more than 45 degrees left or right.

  • v Means in a column within species with a different letter are statistically different at P < 0.05; n = 5.