Table 2.

Transplant height and trunk diameter sizes of Acer rubrum var. drummondii ‘Maroon’, Vitex agnus-castus, and Taxodium distichum at the end of container nursery production prior to transplant to the field sites for in-ground testing.

Container size (#)Acer rubrumTaxodium distichumVitex agnus-castus
Mean trunk diameter (cm)Mean height (cm)Mean trunk diameter (cm)Mean height (cm)Mean canopy spread (cm)Mean height cm)
10.4 ± 0.1z37.0 ± 6.1z55.5 ± 9.8z54.7 ± 7.9z
30.9 ± 0.1z114.3 ± 10.9z0.8 ± 0.152.2 ± 5.073.2 ± 4.076.8 ± 8.1
71.7 ± 0.2188.0 ± 15.61.4 ± 0.1105.3 ± 6.5119.0 ± 9.5135.5 ± 23.4
254.1 ± 0.1348.5 ± 20.63.3 ± 0.2194.2 ± 8.2224.7 ± 19.6200.8 ± 14.5
455.5 ± 0.3411.7 ± 22.54.6 ± 0.3245.5 ± 8.1274.5 ± 33.2266.2 ± 19.6
  • z Values within a column represent the mean of six observations ± standard errors; dash (–) = could not be estimated.