Table 7.

Pearson Correlation Coefficients of root attributes (measured 10 cm beyond planted 170 L container root ball) with rest angle and bending stress to tilt trunk 5 and 20 degrees five years after planting.

Root AttributeTrunk rest anglezTrunk bending stress 5 degreesTrunk bending stress 20 degrees
CSA leewardy−0.490.500.54
Straightx CSA leewardy−0.370.480.51
Ascendingw CSA leewardy−0.480.400.57
Straight-rootx descendingu CSANSs0.390.41
Straight-rootx CSA−0.400.330.40
Ascendingw CSA−0.61NS0.45
Depth straightx roots windwardvNS0.49NS
Downwardt CSA windwardv0.400.47NS
Depth straight-rootsxNS0.43NS
Descendingu CSA windwardv0.400.42NS
Straight-rootx CSA windwardvNS0.41NS
CSA windwardv0.380.37NS
Straight-rootx CSANS0.36NS
  • z Rest angle = trunk angle after releasing pulling cable following winching to 20 degrees trunk tilt.

  • y Growing in the quadrant toward the pulling winch.

  • x Straight = root segment just beyond the root ball oriented < 60 degrees in either compass direction compared to azimuth of parent root inside root ball.

  • w Ascending = growing up toward landscape soil surface.

  • v Windward = growing in the quadrant opposite the pulling winch.

  • u Descending = growing down < 45 degrees in relation to landscape soil surface.

  • t Downward = growing down > 45 degrees in relation to landscape soil surface.

  • s P > 0.05.