Table 4.

The variable names, source, and description of the variables used in the analysis.

Variable nameSourceDescription
HAUSSurveyThe HAUS is an additive scale of 14 items measuring community stress using questions that are personal evaluations of external stimuli. The measure used is a block average.
StreetTInventoryA count of the number of municipal trees on the facing sides of the street. No trees on side streets were included. The number given is the block total.
OtherTInventoryA count of the all trees between the facing block buildings, except street trees. It was calculated as the difference between the total trees and the number of street trees.
MedIncSecondaryMedian income of the block, taken from a secondary data source, expressed per USD $1,000.
BlkFeatInventoryAn additive scale of five block features reviewed by the main author that reflect negative aspects of the block.
AgeSurveyThe average age of respondents on the block, based on the information given in the survey.
EducSurveyThe average block proportion of college-educated respondents, based on the information given in the survey.
EmploySurveyThe average block proportion of employed respondents, based on the information given in the survey.
OwnerSurveyThe average block proportion of owner-occupied houses, based on the information given in the survey.
CrimeSurveyThe average block proportion of respondents who indicated crime on their block in the last month, based on the information given in the survey.
PoliceSurveyThe average block proportion of respondents who indicated a police visit on their block in the last month, based on the information given in the survey.
SafetySurveyThe block mean response to a four-item Likert scale, with 4 indicating Very Safe, based on the information given in the survey.
HealthSurveyThe block mean response to a five-item Likert scale, with 5 indicating Excellent, based on the information given in the survey.
PSSSurveyThe PSS is an additive scale of 10 items measuring community stress using questions that inquire about personal efficacy. The measure used is a block average.