Table 4.

Effect of root remediation at planting, mulch, and nursery planting depth on maplez trunk bark death evaluated 15 months after planting, and root depth five years after planting into landscape soil.

Mulch 7 cm deep over root ballRoot remediation at planting% circumference of trunk with bark deadDepth of straightyroots (cm)
YesYes52 ax13 b
No19 c22 a
NoYes41b14 b
No38 b15 b
Nursery planting depthwRoot remediation at planting% circumference of trunk with bark dead
ShallowYes46 ax
No45 a
DeepYes41 a
No18 b
  • z Elms experienced no trunk bark death.

  • y Straight = root segment just beyond the root ball oriented < 60 degrees in either compass direction compared to azimuth of parent root inside root ball; depth measured 10 cm outside root ball.

  • x Means followed by a different letter within columns are statistically different at P < 0.001; n = 10, insignificant three-way interaction (P > 0.87).

  • w Shallow = topmost root 13 mm deep into 11.4 L (#3) and even with substrate surface into 57 L (#15) and 170 L (#45) container; deep = topmost root 64 mm deep into 11.4 and 57 L containers (128 mm deep total), and even into 170 L container.