Table 3.

Effect of root remediation when landscape planting and mulch application over the root ball on maple root attributes five years later.

Root remediation at plantingMulch 7 cm deep over root ball% trunk circled 5 years after plantingzTotal straighty root CSA (cm2)Depth of straighty roots (cm)
YesYes25 bx45 a13 b
No7 c59 a14 b
NoYes69 a45 a22 a
No83 a22 b15 b
  • z Percentage of trunk circumference circled with roots > 5 mm diameter.

  • y Straight = root segment just beyond the root ball oriented < 60 degrees in either compass direction compared to azimuth of parent root inside root ball; depth measured 10 cm outside root ball.

  • x Means followed by a different letter within columns are statistically different at P = 0.002, 0.006, and 0.01 left to right, respectively; n = 10, averaged over nursery planting depth due to insignificant interaction with nursery planting depth (P > 0.18).