Table 1.

Evaluation of mortality 120 days after inoculations and injection of Pinus monticola seedlings with respective treatments in Experiment 1. Mortality rates for each treatment are based on 10 seedlings.

StudyTreatment% Mortality ± SEFoliar symptomsVasc. disc.zNotes
PathogenicityG. clavigera90 ± 10.0% aydesiccatedyesvascular lesions
L. Longiclavatum50 ± 16.7% abdesiccatedyesvascular lesions
Alamo/B.S.x10 ± 10.0% bdesiccatedyesvascular lesions
Pooled controls15 ± 8.0% b
[100 μL DI H2O20 ± 13.0%desiccatednodehydrated
Sterile agar10 ± 10.0%desiccatednodehydrated]
PhytotoxicityTREE-äge0.0 ± 0.0% anormalnon/a
Alamo0.0 ± 0.0% anormalnon/a
Arbotect0.0 ± 0.0% anormalnon/a
UTCw10 ± 0.0% adesiccatedyesunidentified vascular infection
  • z Vascular discoloration evident.

  • y Treatments within a study with the same letter are not significantly different based on Fisher’s exact test with Bonferroni-adjusted P-values.

  • x Blue-stain (B.S.) both G. clavigera and L. longiclavatum.

  • w Untreated Control (UTC).