Cardinal direction | No. of radial roots in #15z | No. of radial roots in #45y | Diameter of five largest roots on #15 root ball periphery (mm)x | Diameter of five largest roots on #45 root ball periphery (mm)x |
North 180 degrees | 30 aw | 64 ax | 5.8 a | 6.7 a |
South 180 degrees | 27 b | 51 b | 4.8 b | 5.7 b |
↵z Number of roots >2 mm diameter growing straight (with less than a 45 degree turn) from trunk between #3 and #15 container position. Trees in #3, #15, and #45 containers for 7, 9, and 15 months, respectively.
↵y Number of roots >2 mm diameter growing straight (with less than a 45 degree turn) from trunk between #15 and #45 container position.
↵x Roots in the outer 3 cm in the north or south half of root ball; no other root attributes were significant.
↵w Means in a column with a different letter are statistically different at P < 0.01; n = 80, averaged across container type and root pruning due to insignificant interactions (P > 0.10).