Citation keyUnique article identifier for referencing the article in the text of the literature review, composed of the last name of the author(s), “et al.” if more than 2 authors, the four-digit year of publication, and a, b, c, etc., if more than one article was published by that author in that year.
AuthorsFull list of all authors in the format: Last, First; Last, First;... (for authors with initials only: Last, F M)
DateYear of publication
TitleFull title of the article, including subtitle if applicable
KeywordsList of publication-assigned keywords
PublicationFull name of the journal or publication in which the article was published
VolumeVolume number of publication
IssueIssue number of publication
PagesPage numbers in publication in which article appears
DisciplineWhat discipline is the article from? Arboriculture/UF (articles from within the field of urban forestry) [name of discipline] (for articles from outside the field)
Review, Original, or OpinionIs the article a Review of available literature, or an Original research study presenting original data, or an Opinion (personal experience) piece?
City of researchLocation of study performed: City, State, Country, or N/A
Research QuestionBrief statement of the article’s research question, problem, or objective
Type of cost or benefitType of cost or benefit incurred due to maintenance or management activities (or lack thereof): Economic (labor, capital, dollars, etc.), Not Economic (e.g., social, community social capital, cultural, human health & well-being, ecological or environmental, other non-economic costs)
Type of cost or benefit - describeMore detailed text description of the type of cost or benefit analyzed, e.g., Ecological, Economic (utilitarian), etc.
Outcome variable(s)Dependent variable(s) used in analysis
Type of careType of care or maintenance activity being undertaken or not undertaken: Planting, Pruning, Mulching, Watering, Removing, Appraisal, Pest/Disease Management, etc.
Care detailsDetails of the type of care examined in the article, or the types of care considered in analyses of costs of care
Independent variable(s)List of specific independent variable(s) used in analysis, including any control variables.
Stage of life of treesStage of life of trees studied: Recently planted, Young, Semi-mature, Mature, Senescent, or All
Empirical versus SubjectiveMethod of cost or benefit assessment is Empirical (uses real data of some sort, including reviews that summarize results of data collected by others) or Subjective (includes a more qualitative assessment of costs and benefits, without any actual data). Cannot be N/A—studies either make use of data, or they do not.
Type of economic analysisFor economic studies only: Direct cost measurement, Hedonic pricing (econometrics), Willingness-to-pay, Contingent valuation (contingent choice), Appraisal value, Historical cost method, Current value, Net market value, Replacement cost, Deprival value, Other social survey, Cost-benefit analysis, Cost efficiency analysis, Cost effectiveness analysis, Qualitative (for all studies that use some sort of non-monetary qualitative method of assessment), N/A (for studies that do not use a type of cost assessment method)
FrameworkBrief, general description of the valuation or framework as it might be useful to assessing the costs of not maintaining trees
ResultsGeneral notes on the results of the study
LanguageLanguage the article is written in
LinksLinks to online sources (e.g., a supplementary online materials or online appendix; direct link to the article text if available online, etc.)
Other NotesAny other notes on the article
Inferred or calculated “Cost”?Are the costs “calculated” in any way (direct or otherwise), or can they merely be “inferred” from the article?
Full CitationCitation in APA style based on bibliographic information
AbstractFull text of the abstract
Anno Bib BlurbA brief paragraph explaining how the article is useful to the literature review.
References cited?Number of sources listed in literature cited