Citation key | Unique article identifier for referencing the article in the text of the literature review, composed of the last name of the author(s), “et al.” if more than 2 authors, the four-digit year of publication, and a, b, c, etc., if more than one article was published by that author in that year. |
Authors | Full list of all authors in the format: Last, First; Last, First;... (for authors with initials only: Last, F M) |
Date | Year of publication |
Title | Full title of the article, including subtitle if applicable |
Keywords | List of publication-assigned keywords |
Publication | Full name of the journal or publication in which the article was published |
Volume | Volume number of publication |
Issue | Issue number of publication |
Pages | Page numbers in publication in which article appears |
Discipline | What discipline is the article from? Arboriculture/UF (articles from within the field of urban forestry) [name of discipline] (for articles from outside the field) |
Review, Original, or Opinion | Is the article a Review of available literature, or an Original research study presenting original data, or an Opinion (personal experience) piece? |
City of research | Location of study performed: City, State, Country, or N/A |
Research Question | Brief statement of the article’s research question, problem, or objective |
Type of cost or benefit | Type of cost or benefit incurred due to maintenance or management activities (or lack thereof): Economic (labor, capital, dollars, etc.), Not Economic (e.g., social, community social capital, cultural, human health & well-being, ecological or environmental, other non-economic costs) |
Type of cost or benefit - describe | More detailed text description of the type of cost or benefit analyzed, e.g., Ecological, Economic (utilitarian), etc. |
Outcome variable(s) | Dependent variable(s) used in analysis |
Type of care | Type of care or maintenance activity being undertaken or not undertaken: Planting, Pruning, Mulching, Watering, Removing, Appraisal, Pest/Disease Management, etc. |
Care details | Details of the type of care examined in the article, or the types of care considered in analyses of costs of care |
Independent variable(s) | List of specific independent variable(s) used in analysis, including any control variables. |
Stage of life of trees | Stage of life of trees studied: Recently planted, Young, Semi-mature, Mature, Senescent, or All |
Empirical versus Subjective | Method of cost or benefit assessment is Empirical (uses real data of some sort, including reviews that summarize results of data collected by others) or Subjective (includes a more qualitative assessment of costs and benefits, without any actual data). Cannot be N/A—studies either make use of data, or they do not. |
Type of economic analysis | For economic studies only: Direct cost measurement, Hedonic pricing (econometrics), Willingness-to-pay, Contingent valuation (contingent choice), Appraisal value, Historical cost method, Current value, Net market value, Replacement cost, Deprival value, Other social survey, Cost-benefit analysis, Cost efficiency analysis, Cost effectiveness analysis, Qualitative (for all studies that use some sort of non-monetary qualitative method of assessment), N/A (for studies that do not use a type of cost assessment method) |
Framework | Brief, general description of the valuation or framework as it might be useful to assessing the costs of not maintaining trees |
Results | General notes on the results of the study |
Language | Language the article is written in |
Links | Links to online sources (e.g., a supplementary online materials or online appendix; direct link to the article text if available online, etc.) |
Other Notes | Any other notes on the article |
Inferred or calculated “Cost”? | Are the costs “calculated” in any way (direct or otherwise), or can they merely be “inferred” from the article? |
Full Citation | Citation in APA style based on bibliographic information |
Abstract | Full text of the abstract |
Anno Bib Blurb | A brief paragraph explaining how the article is useful to the literature review. |
References cited? | Number of sources listed in literature cited |