Table 1.

Effect of planting depth into 11 L and 57 L nursery containers on root circling 68 months after planting 170 L containers into landscape soil.

Depth into 11, 57, and 170 L nursery containerz (mm)Percent trunk circumference with tangent or circling roots (>10 mm diameter) touching trunky (%)Root circling rating over root collarx (1 to 5)
13/ 0/ 02 bw2.6 b
13/ 64/ 08 b4.2 a
64/ 0/ 08 b3.9 ab
64/ 64/ 022 a4.8 a
  • z Point where the topmost root emerged from trunk planted at indicated distance below substrate surface into three container sizes; 20 cm tall liners in square propagation containers originally planted into 11 L nursery containers.

  • y Percent of trunk circumference with roots >10 mm diameter growing tangent to or circling trunk that touched or were embedded into trunk bark.

  • x 1 = no roots to 5 = many roots crossing over root collar and main lateral roots.

  • w Numbers followed by a different letter within columns are statistically different at P < 0.03; n = 12, averaged across landscape planting depth and root pruning due to insignificant interactions (P > 0.13 and > 0.45, respectively) with depth in the nursery container.