Table 1.

Amounts of total N, Bray P, exchangeable K, total C, total bacteria, and total fungi added per year and the moisture, pH, and microbial respiration rate of these treatments: water control (NULL), commercial biological product (CBP), aerated compost tea (ACT), NPK fertilizer (FERT), compost (COMP), and wood-chip mulch (WC).

Moisture (%)n/an/an/an/a26.29.7
pH (1:1)6.617.338.107.347.605.91
Total N (kg 100 m−2)4.8E−50.07410.07731.950.3850.527
Bray P (kg 100 m−2)6.1E−97.0E−51.9E−30.2800.06880.0560
Exch. K (kg 100 m−2)1.2E−82.7E−53.4E−50.3690.03430.0410
Total C (kg 100 m−2)1.1E−31.221.761.635.2520.25
Micr. resp. (mg kg−1 d−1)1.5019.618.811.226.630.6
Total bact. (kg 100 m−2)6.1E−100.4200.5654.8E−58.224.05
Total fungi (kg 100 m−2)6.1E−117.0E−30.0116.4E−74.673.04