Table 1.

Effect of nursery production method on trunk diameter and bending stress required to pull trunks to various angles seven months after planting.

Production methodTrunk diameterz (cm)Bending stress to 5 degrees (kN/m2)Bending stress to 10 degrees (kN/m2)Bending stress to 15 degrees (kN/m2)
Field15.2 (0.62) ay27155 (5236) a35703 (7092) a37285 (4473) a
Container14.8 (0.7) a20363 (1216) a23117 (1372) b23641 (2160)b
  • zTrunk diameter was 14.0 cm at planting seven months earlier.

  • yMeans (with S.E.) compared within columns (P < 0.05), based on three trees per treatment.