Table 1.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the effect of growth phase and application rate on percent % total (N) in common hackberry tissues in 2001.

TissueSourceDays after fertilization
FoliageGrowth phase (GP)0.0820.0280.0960.2570.1460.154NAz
Treatment (Trt)0.2770.0730.0460.0520.3630.869
GP * Trt0.0400.4510.5080.1330.384NA
Current stem woodGrowth phase (GP)<0.001<0.0010.0610.0080.2230.372<0.001
Treatment (Trt)0.8020.4980.9330.6740.1300.229
GP * Trt0.5970.2290.0860.0530.8030.756
Stem woodGrowth phase (GP)0.7590.0480.5890.0310.029<0.0010.044
Treatment (Trt)0.6900.0410.2450.6470.0660.823
GP * Trt0.4780.6710.9970.9020.1910.407
RootsGrowth phase (GP)0.5870.253NAy0.1430.0370.0390.068
Treatment (Trt)0.379NA0.0190.3700.0030.022
GP * Trt0.212NA0.0020.0540.4160.026
  • zLeaves of young trees and fruit of mature trees not present at 150 days.

  • yTissues not collected at 30 days because of stress to canopy development in young trees.