Table 1

Summary of experimental set up.

Tree species (label category)Treatment1 (label category)Replicates after mortality2Replicates used to quantify average total root lengthCambistat® dose3 (mL/cm)Paclobutrazol dose4 (g/cm)
Silver maple (D)Full rate (D)324.61.1
1CL (C)334.21.0
2CL (B)322.30.6
White oak (D)Full rate (D)1044.61.1
2CL (B)1042.30.6
Pecan (E)Full rate (E)545.01.2
1CL (D)544.61.1
Laurel oak (F)Full rate (F)946.71.6
1CL (E)835.01.2
2CL (D)944.61.1
Stone pine (F)Full rate (F)1036.71.6
1CL (E)1035.01.2
2CL (D)944.61.1
  • 1 Treatment rate based on the species-specific category on the Cambistat® label is indicated as “full rate”; the category below full rate is indicated as “1CL”; categories below full rate is indicated as “2CL”; and non-treated were controls.

  • 2 Replicates that survived the duration of the experiment were used to quantify all response variables except for average total root length.

  • 3 Rates were based on stem caliper of plant. The amount of water applied per application was 11 mL of water/mL of Cambistat® for all treatments.

  • 4 Dosage based on the amount of grams of paclobutrazol administered based on stem caliper of plant.