Table 1 Soil series, slope, and drainage class of soils occurring on sites with rapidly declining oaks (Natural Resources Conservation Service [NRCS] 2024).
Soil seriesSlope (%)NRCS drainage class
Blount silt loam0 to 2Somewhat poorly drained
Del Rey silt loam0 to 2Somewhat poorly drained
Nappanee silt loam0 to 2Somewhat poorly drained
Ashkum silty clay loam0 to 2Poorly drained
Beecher silt loam0 to 2Somewhat poorly drained
Kane silt loam0 to 2Somewhat poorly drained
Ozaukee silt loam2 to 4Moderately drained
Zurich silt loam0 to 4Moderately drained
Grays silt loam2 to 4Moderately drained