Table 2.

The percentage of daily, weekly, and more sporadic park/green space users in comparison to their ability to reach a green space within 5 minutes. Results are separated by whether or not the respondent was within a 5-minute walk (average time to walk approximately 300 m) of their nearest park/green space (n = 1,633).

Ability to walk to park/green space in 5 minutes?Daily (283z)Weekly (551z)Once a month (260z)Several times a year (256z)Once a year (83z)Never (200z)
Yes (n = 990)89.0% (252)71.7% (395)54.2% (141)42.6% (109)32.5% (27)33.3% (66)
No (n = 643)11.0% (31)28.3% (156)45.8% (119)57.4% (147)67.5% (56)67.7% (134)
Significance (P-value)< 0.001< 0.0010.174< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001