Table 3.

Percent reduction (-) or increase (+) in Fv/Fm after 72 hours following heat stress (44 °C, 20 minutes) in foliar tissue of 8 Acer species. Species are ranked in order of tolerance based on percent increases in Fv/Fm as a measure of recovery from damage to the leaf photosynthetic system.

A. platanoides ‘Royal Red’+8.42b
A. pseudoplatanus ‘Spaethii’+7.21ab
A. campestre+6.36ab
A. platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’+4.79ab
A. pseudoplatanus ‘Negenia’+2.59ab
A. platanoides ‘Drummondii’–1.17ab
A. campestre ‘Louisa Red Shine’–1.76ab
A. platanoides ‘Emerald Queen’–22.80a
  • Numbers within a column followed by a common letter (taken from regression equations [Figure 3]) are not significantly different according to Tukey’s honest significance test (P = 0.05).