Urban forest software, applications, and tools.
Name of the tool | Company/institution | Website |
Arboclimat and Arbre-en-Ville | NEPSEN Transition, Atelier Colin & Poli Paysages (ACPP) | http://www.arbre-en-ville.fr/arbre-en-ville |
Citree | Technische Universität Dresden | https://citree.de/?language=en |
i-Tree Species | USDA Forest Service, Davey Tree Expert Company, The Arbor Day Foundation, Society of Municipal Arborists, ISA, Casey Trees, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry | https://species.itreetools.org |
Right Place Right Tree–Boston | Boston University Biogeoscience and URBAN graduate programs | https://zoeywerbin.shinyapps.io/Boston_trees |
Select Tree | Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute, California Polytechnic State University | https://selectree.calpoly.edu |
SESAME | Cerema, Ville de Metz and Metz Métropole | https://metz.fr/projets/developpement-durable/sesame.php |
Tree Advisor | USDA National Agroforestry Center | https://www.fs.usda.gov/nac-plant-guide |
Tree Planting Predictor™ Tool | Edge Environment | https://edgeenvironment.com/treeplantingpredictor |
Which Plant Where | Macquarie University | https://www.whichplantwhere.com.au |
EcoServR | Liverpool John Moores University, Natural Capital Solutions, Forest Research, and the Cheshire Wildlife Trust | https://ecoservr.github.io/EcoservR |
i-Tree Eco, i-Tree Design, MyTree | Same as i-Tree Species | https://www.itreetools.org/tools/i-tree-eco; https://design.itreetools.org; https://mytree.itreetools.org |
OpenTreeMap | AZAVEA, INC. | https://opentreemap.github.io |
Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) | USGS | http://solves.cr.usgs.gov |
Urban InVEST | Natural Capital Project | https://naturalcapitalproject.stanford.edu/software/urban-invest |
ENVI-met | ENVI-met GmbH | https://www.envi-met.com |
Greenpass | GREENPASS GmbH | https://greenpass.io/software |
Computational fluid dynamics software | e.g. SimScale, OpenFoam | https://www.simscale.com/product/cfd; https://www.openfoam.com |
Exploring Tree Equity in Boston | Speak for the Trees, Boston | https://bucas.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=34e653bf29e64b72a64e78a175732b34 |
Falling Fruit | Falling Fruit | https://fallingfruit.org |
Google Earth Engine Apps | Tree Canopy Lab (e.g., Los Angeles) | https://insights.sustainability.google/labs/treecanopy |
Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities | The Nature Conservancy, US Forest Service, and the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health at the University of Georgia | https://healthytreeshealthycitiesapp.org |
i-Tree canopy, i-Tree Landscape, OurTrees | Same as i-Tree Species | https://www.itreetools.org/tools/i-tree-eco; https://design.itreetools.org; https://mytree.itreetools.org |
New York City Street Tree Map | City of New York, NYC Parks | https://tree-map.nycgovparks.org/tree-map |
Many other cities with similar platforms | e.g., Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles (USA) Montréal, Québec, Ottawa (Canada) | https://www.seattle.gov/trees/get-involved/explore-trees-online; https://www.quebio.ca/fr/arbresmtl; https://open.ottawa.ca/datasets/ottawa::tree-inventory/about |
MapMyTree | European Environment Agency | https://mapmytree.eea.europa.eu/#/home |
OpenTrees.org | Steve Bennett, freelance web developer | https://opentrees.org |
Tree Equity Score Analyser | American Forests | https://www.treeequityscore.org |
Treepedia | MIT Senseable City Lab, World Economic Forum | https://senseable.mit.edu/treepedia |
TreeKeeper Canopy | Davey Tree Expert Company | https://canopy.treekeepersoftware.com/goshenin |
ArborPro | ArborPro, Inc. | https://arborprousa.com |
ArborScope™ | Bartlett Tree Experts | https://www.bartlett.com/management-software.cfm |