Table S9.

Summary of tree count (and percentage of total trees) for existing, replacement, and additional trees per location for each future scenario (S1–4). “Existing trees” are trees that were not removed since baseline and remain in future scenarios. “Replacement trees” are new trees provided to future scenarios in place of aged-out trees. “Additional trees” are new trees that are provided to the future models to achieve scenario and location-based tree counts. CA (climate-adapted); CoV (City of Vancouver).

Tree statusLocationS1 2050: Existing policyS2 2050: Existing policy + CA treesS3 2050: Maximize building shadingS4 2050: Maximize tree canopy
ExistingStreet1,153 (11%)1,345 (13%)1,345 (13%)1,566 (10%)
Park/civic225 (2%)258 (3%)258 (3%)302 (2%)
Private267 (3%)317 (3%)317 (3%)369 (2%)
ReplacementStreet1,389 (14%)1,197 (12%)1,197 (12%)976 (6%)
Park/civic212 (2%)176 (2%)176 (2%)143 (1%)
Private903 (9%)856 (8%)856 (8%)741 (5%)
AdditionalStreet1,512 (15%)1,512 (15%)1,512 (15%)3,288 (21%)
Park/civic340 (3%)340 (3%)340 (3%)1,043 (6%)
Private4,227 (41%)4,227 (41%)4,227 (41%)7,395 (47%)