Table 1.

Soundwood depth evaluations for blue gum and elm using the Resistograph. The depth of soundwood using the Resistograph was compared to that value determined by wood density measurements. Resistograph deviations from density measurements were placed in 3 categories: 0 to 5 cm, 6 to 10 cm, and 11 to 15 cm. Cases in the first category indicate very good agreement between the methods, while those in the second and third categories indicate lesser agreement. R1 = Resistograph 1, R2 = Resistograph 2. Values indicate the number of cases in each deviation class and the percentage in each category.

SpeciesR1%R2%Mean (%)
Blue gum
Deviation group
0 to 5 cm3885418685.5
6 to 10 cm51151010.5
11 to 15 cm24244
Deviation group
0 to 5 cm1410014100100
  • * Only 45 readings are reported for R1 because 2 charts were excluded (interpretation of Resistograph chart was equivocal) and 1 chart was lost.