Table 5.

Total root length and total root area of trees growing with (+) and without (-) treeshelters after two years. Some roots < cm in diameter remained in the soil after root system excavation, (n=8 for 3- and 6-month data, n=20 for 1 -year data, n=10 for 2-year data)

SpeciesTotal Root Length (cm)Total Root Area (cm2)
Fraxinus Iatifolia1541 a1099 b1831 a1034 b
Ginkgo biloba273 a166 b138 a52b
Lagerstroemia indica778 a636 b443 a268 b
Platanus racemosa2460 a1713 b2915 a1809 b
Quercus agrifolia485 a581 a271 a276 a
Quercus lobata730 a605 b555 a353 b
Sequoia sempervirens692 a539 b117a195 b
  • Values followed by the same letter for each time period are not significantly different from one another at p=0.05 using Scheffe’s multiple separation procedure.